Who is in Your Boat
In the New Testament in Mark chapter 4 verse 35 to 41 we read the true account when Jesus shows His authority over nature and all, by calming the storm. I hope while reading this blog you will be encouraged and understand that you can trust Jesus in the storms of your life.
Introduction: I am a little brother and a big brother. So I know what it feels like to be both, to be picked on, but also to be protected, to be the one doing the making fun, or the one doing the protecting. There was a point in high school when I got the typical big brother responsibility, I could drive and my little sister couldn't. So guess who got to give her rides? That's right me. But it wasn't a here or there thing but it was an every Wednesday night thing. You see my sister and I were both in the youth worship band and so I drove us to practice every Wednesday. Now at this particular time, my personal life wasn't all chocolate and roses. Three days earlier on Sunday morning, I got in my car to drive to church and noticed my glove box was open and papers were everywhere. Then I looked and my whole middle console was missing. Someone had broken into my car and stole my stereo and head unit. So I was feeling pretty bummed leading up to that Wednesday night. Well, Wednesday rolls around and it is theme night and our theme is geek. So I have these glasses with the lens poked out, pens in my pocket, my hair all greased over, and my pants pulled up high along with my socks. Jillian my sister and I are just having a good old conversation and listening to music off my phone on the way to practice. Then all of a sudden she screams PRESTON I see the brights of brake lights and crash right into the car in front of me and send that car way out into the grass. And I don't if anyone here has been in an accident but I'm sure you all have seen one on the road. It seems traffic goes so slow but not if you are one in the crash. It still seems like the cars are speeding past you because you are so out of with thoughts of I can't believe this has happened, is my sister ok, what are my parents going to say, man, they are not going to be happy, we aren't going to make it to practice, and man my neck kind of hurts. I was mad and upset, my car gets broken into, I got robbed, then my car crashes, and on top of that the person I was in charge of protecting got hurt. It felt like my world was spinning, it felt like I was in this storm and sinking.
Have any of you felt this way? You just have a week of bad events, things just don't go the right way and you feel confused or disoriented. Or you just simply have so many choices to make and things to do that you feel like you are sinking. Maybe you are wondering how can I save myself from sinking. The disciples thought the same question about a storm they found themselves in, Mark 4:35-41
Jesus Calms the Storm
Mark 4:35-41 35.As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” 36 So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind although other boats followed. 37 But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water.
When the storms of life threaten to sink your ship (Vs 35-37)
Another way I like to phrase this section is Feeling Soaked With the Water up to Your Knees.
Traveling in a boat was not something new to Jesus and his disciples. After all some of his disciples were fishermen. Some scholars believe Jesus was already in the boat anchored preaching and if he was to return to shore he would have been hounded by the crowd. His only break was to cross to the other side. The disciples were in the boat with him during his teaching. Jesus had been teaching all day and needed to rest, so when he suggested traveling to the other side the disciples had no worries. You see usually storms happened on the Sea of Galilee during the afternoon not the evening but as we can see from the text it was evening. There was no sign of a storm when they first set sail. But then all the sudden boom there was a storm.
I am from Nebraska and in Nebraska, you see your fair share of storms. Thunderstorms and snow storms in the winter. The storms that cause the most damage and cause people to worry are the storms that bring tornadoes. Tornadoes destroy anything and everything in their path. In one of my favorite movies, The Wizard of Oz, a tornado takes Dorothy to the wonderful Land of Oz. But before that, she tries to get into a storm cellar. In Nebraska, you have storm cellars or basements for safety against storms. It is where you run too. When the storms of life are threatening you, where do you run? Or the better question, who do you run to?
When the storms of life threaten to sink your ship, run to Jesus. This brings me to my second point, Remember who is in your boat.
38 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!”
Remember Who is in Your Boat.
Jesus abruptly awakened from a deep sleep, arose, and without speaking to the disciples spoke instead to the elements. “Quiet! Be still!” and the winds stopped and there was peace. The NLT says Jesus said, “Quiet down!” That wasn’t normal. The disciples were shocked at the power of their teacher to speak and control the ocean waves. Even though the disciples had seen Jesus do incredible miracles, they hadn’t taken their knowledge of his power and applied to other places. Of course, he can heal the sick and drive out demons but controlling a storm is different, they thought. In this Jesus showed his power not only over disease or being possessed but his power over nature period. Out of the norm, Jesus calmed the storm.
Jesus has the Power to Calm Your Storm, no Matter How Big
Have you ever been exhausted before? Of course, we live demanding lives. I know I have been exhausted at times. Think of the last time you were truly exhausted.
Perhaps your exhaustion is a different type, maybe you are exhausted due to the stress of school, work, or just life. Perhaps you were like me when I got into my accident and you are asking Why me? God why me? Or you could be trying to handle things on your own and you realize like the disciples that you need help. Maybe there is a storm going on right now in your life and you feel like Jesus is sleeping. There is often a stormy area of our human nature where we feel God can’t or won’t work. When we truly understand who God is, we will realize that he controls both the storms of nature and the storms of a troubled heart.
This reminds me of one of my favorite movies. A movie that with it playing I can quote, I’m talking about Space Jam. The Looney Tunes are faced with their own kind of storms known as the Monstars. These tiny aliens want to make them slaves but first have to beat the Tunes in a basketball game. Well the tiny aliens cheat and grow to be huge and get all of these NBA skills. Bugs Bunny is the one who says and I quote, “Um I think we might need a little bit of help.” That help comes in the form of Michael Jordan and with his help, the Looney Tunes are able to face their problem/storm and win or overcome. They realized they couldn’t handle it on their own and needed help. The disciples also realized they needed help and woke up Jesus.
The Christian life may have more stormy weather than calm seas. It is not just smooth sailing. You see the interesting thing about this passage in Mark is that the disciples only found themselves on the boat and in a storm because they were following Jesus. But because they were following Jesus and in His will, they could see Jesus do miracles and the impossible. As Christ’s followers, we must be prepared for the storms that will surely come. We must not give in to stress, but stay resilient, and recover from setbacks. With faith in Christ, we can pray, trust, and move ahead. When a storm approaches, we can praise God.
There is often a stormy area of our human nature where we feel Jesus can’t or won’t work. When we truly understand who the Lord is, we realize that He controls both the storms of nature and the storms of a troubled heart. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, remember who is in your boat.
The disciples panicked because the storm threatened to destroy them all and they wanted to be safe, theirs was a physical storm, but storms come in other forms. Maybe you feel like your life right now is caught up in a mighty storm of some kind. Perhaps you have a big decision to make, like plans after high school or even plans after college. Walking through a door at work or starting a new job. It could be something else entirely. I have no idea what you are dealing with or what your storm is, but what I do know is that Jesus in Matthew 11 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Sometimes like the disciples we underestimate the Lord’s power to handle the crises in our lives. Seeing this incredible power should strengthen our faith in the Lord. Just as He has the power to calm the stormy seas, He has the power to calm the storms of your life. Out of the norm, Jesus calmed the storm.
Probably the greatest evangelist of the 20th century Billy Graham has something to say about this. “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say. ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.” Whatever your difficulty, you have two options: You can worry and assume Jesus doesn’t care, or you can resist fear and put your trust in Him. Remember who is in your boat.
Perhaps all your friends have their future planned out after school. They know what college they are going to go to, they know what job they are going to get, some have probably even chosen to join the military. And you are sitting there still trying to decide on your next step but you are feeling stressed out and pulled down. You have pressure from teachers, parents, and friends. Asking do you have a plan yet or have you made up your mind? You begin to feel stressed, remember who is in your boat?
Have you gone through a recent job change? Do you have a plie of tasks growing at work and getting overwhelmed? Remember who is in your boat.
Are your kids giving you a run for your money? Perhaps you are helping your teen navigate a tough situation and your heart hurts for them. Remember who is in your boat.
When the storms of life threaten to sink your ship, remember who is on your boat.